Apron belly is a condition medically known as abdominal panniculus. Simply put, it’s that hanging excess belly skin or fat, and we’re not talking here about the cute little muffin top. It’s a bit more severe than that, and there are a few grades of an apron belly.
Basically, any apron belly case has certain grades depending on how big the belly is or how long the flappy skin hangs. The grades range from one to five, starting from the pubic hairline down to below the knee.
Below, you’ll find more information about the grades of an apron belly or panniculus and the problems associated with it. So, keep reading.
Apron Belly Overview
The name of abdominal panniculus in layman’s terms, apron belly, is quite self-explanatory. The fatty tissue deposits almost look like a person is wearing an apron of excess skin. That’s why it’s also called “mother’s apron.”
Moreover, in other contexts, it’s known as FUPA in men or FUVA in women. FUPA stands for Fat Upper Pubic Area, similarly, FUVA is an abbreviation for Fat Upper Vaginal Area.
This condition is usually a result of stretched skin packed with fats following a huge weight gain or even pregnancy. On the other hand, it can also form as an aftermath following severe weight loss.
Having said that, due to the large size, it’s sometimes confused with a hernia or a tumor.
Luckily, an apron belly can be surgically removed with what’s called “a panniculectomy.”
Grades of an Apron Belly
The excess tissue from any kind of the previously mentioned physical changes can hang down, forming an abdominal panniculus. This flap of skin varies in size and length.
Mainly, there are five different grades of apron belly, which are:
Grade 1
This is the least severe case of an apron belly. It happens when the panniculus hangs down just to cover the pubic hairline reaching the mons pubis. However, it doesn’t drape low enough to cover the genitals.
Grade 2
Extending a bit further than the previous case, grade 2 panniculus is easily determined by a layer of excess fat covering the whole genital area.
Grade 3
Now that you get how grading the severity of panniculus works, you can guess the following stages. So, grade three of an apron belly typically covers the upper thigh.
Grade 4
Grade four panniculus extends to conceal the mid-thigh area.
Grade 5
This is the most severe case of panniculus, where the flappy excess skin hangs down to cover the knees completely. Sometimes it even stretches lower than that.
Problems Associated With an Apron Belly
Not only does an apron belly cause an issue with one’s appearance, but it also has many other problems associated with it. These problems include:
1. Emotional Distress
The physical discomfort resulting from an apron belly can lead to emotional distress.
Generally, the higher the grade of an apron belly is, the more self-conscious a person becomes. Although this shouldn’t be the case, it’s sad how many perceive it as self-negligence.
2. Skin Chafing
This is a type of irritation that happens when pieces of skin rub against each other or the clothes. The repeated friction causes irritability, and with moisture, things can get even worse.
3. Ulcers and Skin Infection
If the area isn’t regularly cleaned and thoroughly dried, it can cause ulcers. This is a more severe case than chafing, where the skin gets wounds as a result of constant friction. Consequently, these wounds may contract an infection.
4. Other Serious Complications
Aside from the back pain associated with the weight of an apron belly, there are many other dangerous conditions a person is at risk of. That’s especially if that abdominal panniculus is a result of belly fat.
A fatty apron belly has been linked to increased risks of many diseases. As reported by Forefront UChicago Medicine, there’s a direct link between abdominal fats and the spread of ovarian cancer.
Additionally, a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health shows that changes in abdominal obesity increase the risk of coronary diseases.
Furthermore, an article from the National Library of Medicine shows how strong the association is between abdominal obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Apron belly can be quite irritating to have, not to mention the health risks associated with it. Different grades of an apron belly reach from the pubic hairline to below the knees. Unfortunately, they’re usually accompanied by other problems.
From skin irritations to severe heart diseases, abdominal panniculus is something a person should never ignore. As scary as the panniculectomy surgery might seem, it’s definitely a necessity for some cases.